All companies in Ireland need a Registered Office Address where official correspondence can be sent, such as letters from the CRO (Companies House), Customs, Gardai (Police) or court documents. This address must appear on a company’s official documents such as financial statements, letterheads, order forms and websites.
Get a prestigious Dublin legal address for your CRO (Companies Registration Office) and Revenue registration
Complimentary mail handling of all official post
In addition to a virtual business address, all plans include a range of value-adding services.
After submitting your details and forms for your chosen virtual plan or virtual business service, you’ll have instant use.
Our dedicated team provides support to clients every step of the way. From selecting the right plan or service to ensuring you get the most from your selection.
Notification of mail as soon as it arrives. Mail is forwarded or available for collection.
All mail is scanned and sent to the recipient.
Exceptionally bright and airy office space in the heart of Dublin offers a vibrant working environment
Bright and airy, brand new refurbished building in the heart of Dublin with good transport links.
Provides easy access to the M50 Motorway and the Luas Line that runs an efficient light rail service.
A fully-serviced modern office located in the Carlisle Business Park in the heart of Sandyford.
A complete private office spread over four levels that can fit up to 40 employees.
Are you ready to start growing your business?
Get a prestigious Dublin legal address for your CRO (Companies Registration Office) and Revenue registration
Complimentary mail handling of all official post